

A Thousand Words Thursday

Cheaper Than Therapy

My 5 year old LOVES museums. Seriously. And, the great thing is that we have a couple really great ones within a few miles of our home. Can't beat that, huh!?!

These photos were snapped at The Southern Museum in downtown Kennesaw. It has a ton of cool Civil War items, plus it houses The General. And, of course, it has a great kids interactive area.

Both Sam and Luke loved building trains, playing dress up, "eating" in the dining car...well...see for yourself...


Kimmie said... 1

Aren't they just adorable!! I wish we had great museums close by. My ATWT

sheila said... 2

Very beautiful kids!

Abby said... 3

How fun! That looks likea place that my son would love too. Cute pictures!

Annie said... 4

Fun by all! Happy TWT!

Stacy Uncorked said... 5

That looks like so much FUN!! Your kids are adorable, of course! ;)

Happy ATWT! :)

Stacie said... 6

Cute Kids!

Dee said... 7

Looks like they were having a blast!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 8

That's a wonderful interest for the boys. Museums are really fun, especially when they are kid friendly. Great pics!

The Mom Jen said... 9

Cuties! Love the pic in the hat best!

Kelli W said... 10

Looks like a ton of fun! I wish we had more places like that close to us!

Beth @ TheAngelForever said... 11

Looks like a fabulous place to bring the kids to keep them happy for hours on end. Wish we had a really good museum like that near us.

mummyof6monsters said... 12

how cute are they! Look at those big grins! Love the museum!