

Fragmented Freewrite #22

Mommy's Idea

Neil and I had a fun date night with some friends over the weekend, including a comedy show at our church.

Tim Hawkins was the comedian and he was absolutely hilarious. Seriously. We haven't laughed like that in a long time, so I had to get a photo with him.

Here's an example....


Today is the last day of school for Sam. I've already scheduled playdates and fun outings because I know he's going to get very bored over the next 2 weeks. I'm, however, super excited that I don't have to wake up to my annoying alarm for 2 weeks!

And, speaking of Sam, he's in a Mr. Handsome contest (as I like to call it) and would love your vote. If you feel so inclined, click HERE, then scroll down to SAM, check it and hit "vote" many times as you'd like!


Neil's company party is tomorrow night. It's a "Casino Night" party, so it should be fun!


Sam did a little book-exchange with his friend, Cali, again this year. He was soooo happy with both of the books that he received and immediately "read" them to me.

I received a little something special in the package, as well, and LOVE it...

Cali lives in Alaska, so she sent this adorable igloo nativity!


This week, I've really enjoyed all of our Christmas decorations. It seems like my house is finally in some sort of order, so I'm no longer bugged by boxes or all of the stuff that I need to do. I posted a bunch of pics on Wednesday, so if you want to see what we have up, click HERE.

Now, I'm looking forward to doing some baking and wrapping.

Hope you can enjoy your weekend, too!!


Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said... 1

That is the cutest nativity ever!

Anonymous said... 2

2 weeks off?? Lucky!

Glad you had a fun date night. I love to laugh! :)

won said... 3

I hear you on the "no alarm" thing for the next two weeks. That is what has me truly grateful!!

Stacy Uncorked said... 4

Today is Sam's last day of school before the Christmas break? Princess Nagger has to go Monday through Wednesday next week - I'm looking forward to not having to wake up to an alarm during the break for sure! :)

Glad your date night was fun - cool that you got a picture with Tim! :)

LOVE that igloo nativity!! Way too cute! :)

Enjoy your weekend! :)

Unknown said... 5

AMEN to the no alarm for 2weeks!
Off to vote for Sam!
Looks like a fun date night Dina...i need one of those!

Matty said... 6

Stopping in from Yaya's site.

I've seen Tim Hawkins before on video, and he's pretty darn funny. I envy your son with all that hair. He looks like me when I had hair.

Wonderful World of Weiners said... 7

Cutest nativity I have ever seen!!

Hallie :)

Nancy C said... 8

That is a cute nativity. I hope those are tame polar bears, or that Joseph knows kung-fu.

Mamí♥Picture said... 9

Oh my you are so lucky to meet that hilarious Tim!
He wrote my favorite song ever Chick-Fil-A!
What a pleasure!
Aww and that igloo nativity is ADORABLE!

Friend I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
and enjoy those 2 wks of NO ALARM!!

Eve said... 10

Haha... that Tim Hawkins is a funny guy! :)

Oh, a Mr. Handsome contest? I can hardly wait to check it out!

Mrs4444 said... 11

I voted for Sam (only because he IS the cutest! :)

The video was great, and you are adorable.

Merry Christmas from your SECRET SANTA! :) Hope you "got" the Halloween present (since you love Halloween so much) and that the boys enjoy the Mentos shooter :) I also hope you'll make something fun with the beads.

Sara Elizabeth said... 12

I don't think I can remember the last time I went to live comedy. I always when fun when I do go, though.

I just voted for Sam! :)

mub said... 13

That video is great! I'm glad you guys had a good time =)

I voted for Mr. Handsome! That's a great photo of him too.

mimbles said... 14

The igloo nativity is adorable!

Happy belated FF :-)

Susie said... 15

What beautiful holiday randomness!! Merry Christmas to you and yours:-)