

Wordless Wednesday

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas our home!

chr collage2
chr collage3
chr collage4
chr collage1


More Than Words said... 1

Dina!! Everything is just beautiful! I love it all!

honeypiehorse said... 2

Wow, so much stuff!

Liz Mays said... 3

GORGEOUS! That glass nativity set is really lovely!

Anjanette aka. MommaYoung said... 4

Those are so cute! Ok, with all the Christmas pics on wordless wednesday I think I will go watch "A Christmas Story" Can't get enough!

Serendipityissweet said... 5

So pretty! Beautiful photo collage. Well done :D

Run DMT said... 6

Beautiful! I love all your decorations!

Kelli W said... 7

I love the silver tinsel tree!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 8

beautiful decorations.

Cascia Talbert said... 9

You have beautiful Christmas decorations!

He & Me + 3 said... 10

How fun. Love the trees. Beautiful.

Iva Messy said... 11

WOW!! how super!!

jennykate77 said... 12

I love your Christmas decor...all your trees are beautiful!!♥

Nancy C said... 13

Love the nutcracker ornament.

mimbles said... 14

I love the mouse in the top hat, very cute :-)

Buckeroomama said... 15

It's like stepping inside the Christmas store!! :) Love it!

Anne Y said... 16

Beautiful decorations!
Happy Holidays!

Muthering Heights said... 17

Wow, your decorations look so festive!

Beth F said... 18

How lovely -- Happy holidays!!!

LisaShaw said... 19

WOW! Beautiful!

I stopped by before going off line for some time to enjoy the LORD and my family but I wanted to visit and say how much I have enjoyed you and your family online this year dear friend.

Your boys are incredibly cute and very special to my heart. I pray for them and love the photos you share of them and the precious memories you share as you create them as a family. You are a blessed woman and I know you already know that :)

I pray a beautiful CHRISTmas and New Year for you and your husband and sons. Loads of love and laughter!

Claudya Martinez said... 20


Nicolle said... 21

I love everything about all of those pictures. So beautiful and so festive! I hope you are enjoying your holiday season with your precious guys!

Sara Elizabeth said... 22

Dina, what beautiful photos! Your decorations are all so beautiful.

Honey Mommy said... 23

What a great series of pictures! I am in awe of your THREE trees!

Mrs4444 said... 24

Looks like you've got lots of Christmas spirit! My favorites are the elves :)