

i heart faces

This week is ALL pets at, so I am entering this capture of Molly.

Few people know that she auditioned for the role of Jane in New Moon...

To see more cute pets or to play along, click HERE.


Liz Mays said... 1

I can't believe you caught that pose! LOL

Kathleen said... 2

SOO cute! I may have to enter this week--just took some pics of my kitty!

He & Me + 3 said... 3

I love this picture. A winner for sure. That smile is too cute.

More Than Words said... 4 it!!

tiff(threeringcircus) said... 5

Oh! That is such a cool photo. She looks as though she is laughing.

BlondeShot Creative said... 6

oh my goodness, so funny. what a face!

Farmgirl said... 7

Great capture!

Anonymous said... 8

Haha wonderful moment!

April said... 9

Somebody looks very happy! Great picture!

Annette said... 10

What a funny face!

Suburban Girl said... 11

First one that made me laugh!

Stylist A said... 12

Too cute... I love kitties!!!

Nancy C said... 13

Funny. I would freak out if that was the first thing I saw in the morning.

Suburban Girl said... 14
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate - k8tography said... 15

Ba ha ha! Love this so much - one of my very favs so far!

Unknown said... 16

Oh my gosh. She is so cute! I can't believe she didn't get the part... : )

Amanda said... 17


Frogmum said... 18

Hilarious - cute - and brilliant :D

Sara Elizabeth said... 19

Oh my goodness, that is too funny! I love capturing our kitties doing funny faces like this too.

CARMEN said... 20

Wow! her name is Smiley? :-)
Happy WW
(I am here:

Brooke said... 21

Too cute! Looks like she's laughing or panting!

Sarah said... 22

Haha! That's so cute! Little vampire kitty, eh? Great picture! :}

Mamí♥Picture said... 23

Aww what a perfect entry!!
I love your kitty!