

Wordless Wednesday

Trucks stranded in the Georgia "snow"!




More Than Words said... 1

I'm sure that is very close to real life!!

Serendipity said... 2

Great WW shots!

Liz Mays said... 3

Soon they'll break free in the January thaw!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 4

Nice shots. Georgia snow is too weird.

Kelli W said... 5

I sure wish we would have seen a little of that snow! I bet your boys had a ton of fun playing in it!

Dee said... 6

JEALOUS! We were supposed to get a TINY bit of snow last week and didn't get ANYTHING! Oh well...

Eyeglasses & Endzones said... 7

Oh that is too funny. I know that snow in Georgia is a No-No. Those trucks should know better!!!

He & Me + 3 said... 8

CUTE. Tell them to dig their way out. If they can even start up in that cold. :)

Dawn said... 9

Did the boys love seeing the snow?? Cute WW!!

Shannanb aka Mommy Bits said... 10

Oh No! Snow in Georgia, that is great.

Happy WW!

Nancy C said... 11

You have such a great eye!

Susie said... 12

That's because they don't have snow tires:-) Hee, hee, hee:-)

Urban Thought said... 13

Great theme and photos.

Anonymous said... 14

Good thing those Tonka trucks have heavy-duty snow tires!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said... 15

You guys got snow in Georgia?! Wow...I guess it's cold everywhere! :)

Nicolle said... 16

Great pictures. I love them!

I'm glad you have some snow too. :)

Mamí♥Picture said... 17

Oh those are Great shots!

Unknown said... 18

You are so creative! I love this post!