It's the last weekend of February 2010...and only one week until Luke's 2nd birthday! Can you believe it? Me. Either.
Last weekend was so amazingly beautiful here in GA. The temps were in the low 60's, so we spent much time outside. It was fun to see sun-kissed noses Monday morning!
Man. I'm craving Spring.
Sam and Neil are heading to Supercross tomorrow night. The tix were part of Sam's birthday this year and he is so very excited.
I'm thinking next year we might do monster trucks and take Luke, too.
Luke is feeling sooooo much better! His Albuterol treatments have really made all the difference in the world. And, now I can see that he wasn't himself even between illnesses.
What a difference breathing can make!
This week, I wanted to use up some "extras" so I came up with an easy Chicken Chili Recipe. It was pretty darn good, so I thought I would share...
2 cups cooked chicken, shredded
1 can kidney beans, drained
4 cups water (or to preference)
1 pkg. chili mix
1 can (8 oz.) tomato sauce
1 can (14.5 oz) diced tomatoes
dashes of hot sauce
You just need to simmer everything in a pot for a couple hours. Then, dish out a bowlful and add a big clump of cheese!
Have a great weekend!!

Glad to hear that the Albuterol is doing wonders with your kiddo. It works awesome on my Pink Angel too!
Thanks for sharing another yummy recipe...I made the other day the mac&cheeso, the kids loved it!
So jealous of your nice weather. We are still covered with snow for the most part. Where it's receded it's left mud which is not for playing in. And today, we have "hurricane strength" winds. Afraid #3 is gonna be blown away! Spring, if you're out there, come soon!
I'm am SO ready for Spring - I'm hoping today's snow storm will be the last.
Glad that Luke is feeling better! Breathing is important... :)
Thanks for the recipe - sounds yummy!
Enjoy your weekend! :)
I'm ready for spring but not the coating of pollen. My car does not look good in yellow-green powder.
Have a great weekend!
I'm envious of your pleasant weather! Can't wait for spring to come my way.
That chili sounds great. I think we'll give it a try tomorrow. We love albuterol and xopenex here. Asthma is such a sneaky and frightening disease.
I'm so glad Luke is feeling better! Poor little guy.
I want spring too, but we're starting to get a taste of it (the endless rainy season) and I'm considering just skipping it and wishing for summer instead *L*
Also, I'm coming over for dinner. ;)
Thats great that Luke is feeling better! and the guys are going to have a fun time at supercross!
That recipe sounds delish...and I think i have everything here to make it!
Hope you have a wonderful weekend1
I agree..that recipe sounds delish.
My oldest turns 4 on March 12th. I can not believe it.
And yea!! for Monster Trucks. Hopefully this will be the year we get to go too.
Have a great weekend!
albuterol worked wonders on our children as well. So glad that you are having pleasant weather the weather lady said we should soon too. Can't wait
Wanna come to my house and cook that for me? Sounds yummy but I'm scared of my kitchen!!
Hallie :)
Well then, happy birthday to the little guy and welcome to the terrible two's.
I have cold weather asthma which makes me cough really bad during the winter. I use Advair which only helps a bit. My 11 year old step-daughter has asthma and uses an inhaler often. She's even been hospitalized for it because it gets so bad.
My 5 year old grandson loves monster trucks. He has a go-zillion of them and enjoys going to the actual truck shows.
Bring on the chili!!
What a great resource!
Hope you have fun at Motorcross! I did want to tell you that I had an ex that took me to a Monster Truck rally (against my will) and it was inside an arena that no lie by the end of it I was high from the fumes and had the WORST headache!
I am definitely going to try your chili recipe! Hope you have a great weekend!
I hear you! I want Spring so bad I can taste it!
That's funny about the monster trucks. They are here this weekend, and we looked into tickets, but a decent seat was expensive! So, we're going to some dirt track races out at Texas Motor Speedway. I am excited!
Have a great weekend!
so so so so jealous of your temperatures! It snowed again here. UGH
Your chili sounds yummy! Will have to give it a try :)
I am so glad you have your son back!
I saw sun-kissed noses and cheeks last week, but it was from kids spending the day outside, in the SNOW, for an event we had at school. I'll take the warm temps...
Enjoy your fun weekend! :)
The chili and cheese sounds great!
I hope you had fun at the concert. That recipe sounds SO good. Oh my goodness.
I hope your date was fun last night!
I'm glad y'all had some nice weather, and that Luke is feeling better.
Your chili sounds good! I made white chicken chili this weekend, it was yummy.
Nice information, this really useful for me. There is nothing to argue about.
Keep posting stuff like this i really like it. Thanks.
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