

Sundays in my City

We just recently went to one of our favorite attractions in GA...Tellus Science Museum.

Unknown Mami

This museum was a HUGE hit from the beginning so we quickly became members. (It's only about 20 minutes from our home.) There's just so much for both Sam and Luke to enjoy, including a fossil dig and panning for gems.

Plus, they often have special "member events", too...









Claudya Martinez said... 1

Oh yay! I get to see pictures of the members only event.

Sonya said... 2

Aww those are great pictures. Your boys are adorable!

Unknown said... 3

I love it Dina! I love that you had the run of the place to yourself! And I LOVE how cute your boys are. Oh my goodness. Every time I see them I think they are the sweetest things on the planet : )

Mrs4444 said... 4

DANG your kids are cute.

Raymonde said... 5

Photos are great, mind you those boys are so photogenic! Love to see other place with Sundays in my City. Happy blogging! xxx

Kathleen said... 6

Fun, Dina! I've been wanting to check this out since it opened!

Nancy C said... 7

Your boys are so adorable it almost aches.

My boys would lose their minds there. They love science and anything involving gears and "silly machines."

Bill Lisleman said... 8

keep those curious minds curious, their world will need scientists.
nice pics.

DontSayHurry said... 9

Wow... a science museum. We don't have one near us. Looks like the boys had fun. Hope they learned something new. Thanks for sharing.

Joanna Jenkins said... 10

It looks like your beautiful kids had a lot of fun at the science center. All that exploring is so great for them.

Thanks for sharing your city.

Have a fun week.


Erin said... 11

Looks like the kids had a great time! I can't wait to take my boys to the local science and industry museum!!

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said... 12

Looks like a lot of fun!

Mamí♥Picture said... 13

Wow!How fun was that!! Your kiddos are adorable!!!
I love taking my kiddos to the museum...soon will visit Houston and we are planning a museum field trip!!

PropellerHeadMom said... 14

Looks like your kids had a lot of fun! Great pics!

Nicolle said... 15

I've really got to check out the museums here. I never think about them. Your guys seem to really enjoy being there.

Cute pictures of the boys!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 16

Looks like so much fun!! Your boys are just so handsome! The camera loves them. :)

Cascia Talbert said... 17

That looks like a lot of fun. I love museums.