

i heart faces

The focus is on kisses this week at, so here's a bit of brotherly love for ya...


To see more kissers or to play along, click HERE!


Liz Mays said... 1

Scrumptious sibling love right there!

Mamí♥Picture said... 2

aww what a sweet picture...♥its Perfect...♥

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 3

Sweet photo.

Anonymous said... 4

Sooo cute!

Buckeroomama said... 5

That is just SO very, very sweet! :)

Claudya Martinez said... 6

That's love.

Putting the FUN in DysFUNctional said... 7

That is totally adorable, and look at their gorgeous eyes & eyelashes!

Unknown said... 8

Oh my gosh Dina!
This is too precious.
Nothing like brotherly love, right? : )

Rebekah said... 9

That is so sweet.. love the black and white!!

Natalie said... 10

Awwwwwwww! Forhead kisses from a sibling? Stinkin' cute I say!

tiff(threeringcircus) said... 11

So very sweet. I love brotherly love.

Unknown said... 12

i can just feel the love here!

serline said... 13

Awww, how sweet!

Just Rhonda said... 14


He & Me + 3 said... 15

Precious. I love the black and white treatment.

Anita Johnson said... 16

Cute photo, love the eyelashes!

Vanessa said... 17

So precious!

Color [Me] Happy said... 18

What a great capture! It totally needs to be framed! GREAT JOB!

BK said... 19

That is just so sweet. Love, Kisses and Hugs, no matter how small they may be, it always benefit both the receiver and the giver. :)

Nicolle said... 20

sweetest picture ever! I love it!

Claremont First Ward said... 21

I love your accents. :)