

Wordless Wednesday


More Than Words said... 1

How cute!! Kids always love to wear their daddy's shoes!

Bridgette said... 2

How adorable!!!

Buckeroomama said... 3

Cute!! He probably would've kept on walking had the TV not caught his attention. :)

mub said... 4

This totally made my day! I love how he looks like he's dancing in the hall!

Hootin Anni said... 5


Thanks for stopping by today. Have a glorious week ahead.

Rana said... 6

What a cutie! Happy WW!

tiarastantrums said... 7

Is this your little one? and you are a southern girl??

Cascia Talbert said... 8

That is cute! My kids love to put on my shoes and my husband's shoes. Have a wonderful day!

Run DMT said... 9

Oh my goodness! That is precious!

The Royal Family said... 10

how cute was that

He & Me + 3 said... 11

Too cute. He was moving around pretty good in those big shoes. I loved when my kids used to do that.

LisaShaw said... 12

Aww, he is so cute!!!! Thanks for sharing your adorable son with us as he walks around in his daddy's sneakers :) Love it!

Liz Mays said... 13

How completely adorable! He was walking pretty well in them, surprisingly!!!

madison kate said... 14

very cute.. :)

jennykate77 said... 15

So cute! =)

Nicolle said... 16

That made me smile. How cute is he?! Boyd wears Kevin's slippers all the time now, but he always falls in them.

Mamí♥Picture said... 17

aww totally AD☺RABLE...♥

Mrs4444 said... 18

It doesn't get much cuter than that, now does it? :)

BTW, so glad the surgery went well!! I wish you a speedy recovery!