I'm going to start doing double-duty on Fridays. I happened upon Mama and The Dudes
and she hosts a weekly photo challenge that sounds like a ton of fun.
So here is my entry for this week's theme: Words
Sam formed his name out of pipe-cleaners when he was 4 and like any snap-happy-mom,
I grabbed my camera. Isn't he brilliant? {snicker}
School is going so well. We all love Sam's new teacher and he is practicing his reading every
day. If only it would cool off a bit, so the students could actually enjoy recess.
As usual, Sam has befriended all the girls in his class. He's cute and charming!
We put our home on the market about a month ago. We're getting lookers, but no takers.
I wish someone would fall in love with it fast b/c there's a home that I really, really want.
You know youwant need a 2nd home in Kennesaw, GA!
You know you
We went over to our friends' home this week for dinner and 20 minutes after we arrived,
Luke laid down on the rug in their family room and went to sleep. It was so funny...
I didn't take my camera, tho, for some weird reason. Matt was kind enough to snap these.
Some other friends have a hard task tomorrow. They will bury their 7-year old son. He just
lost his battle with a nasty brain tumor.
Neil and I will be with them, and we'd love some additional prayer.
Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Click HERE to read more fragments.

Dina - Awww, Sam written in pipe cleaners is too cute!
Thinking of your friends and sending prayers their way.
Wow that would be so hard. I will definitely say a prayer.
Those pictures of Luke are so cute. Children can sleep anywhere.
Oh, man. That's heartbreaking. Praying right now...
Okay, I'm back. Good luck with the house! Glad school is going well, and it doesn't surprise me at all that Sam's popular with the girls! Such cuties...
Prayers on the way, that is so sad, I can't even imagine.
Love your pictures!
Too cute about Sam having befriended all the girls! Watch out, Momma! :p
So heartbreaking about your friends` son. Sending prayers their way.
The pipe cleaner name is so cute! Hope you get someone fall in love with your home soon. The pictures of Luke are wonderful, it's funny where they will fall to sleep.
Will be keeping your friend's in my thoughts & prayers.
Those pictures of Luke are so cute. I'm glad Sam is doing great in school. I'm still wondering how Dominic going to do.
I'm so very sorry for your friends; keeping you all in my prayers.
I like Sam's letters. Luke looks so cute napping!
I am so sad to hear about your friends' son. I will be keeping everyone in my prayers. So sorry!
So creative! Love it.
What a sad story. I will add that family to my prayer list.
I love the photos!
Have you baked cookies and done all the other fun stuff that is supposed to sell your house faster..I love that show on HGTV where they make inexpensive changes that really work!
Good luck and have a great week!
So sorry to hear about your friends loss - sending thoughts and prayers their way.
Good luck with selling your house!
Hi precious friend,
You know I'm praying for that special family. My heart is full for them.
You also know I'm praying for your home to sell, sell, sell. May God send the person(s) who LOVE IT and NEED it and will be BLESSED by it and may YOU have the opportunity to purchase the home that your hearts desire.
Love that photo of Luke! Reminds me of when you guys visited with us and he fell out on the family room sofa! He's just a comfortable cutie isn't he!
Love that Sam pipe cleaning photo! So glad he's doing well in school and of course the girls would adore him -- he's so handsome and great personality!
Love you dear friend!
I love your pipe cleaner pic! How cute! So sweet! So sorry to hear about your friends. What a tragedy!
Good luck with the house! I used to live in Dunwoody and Marietta, GA.
How terrible to hear about your friends' loss.
I love Sam's pipe cleaner name and I'm so glad he's doing well at school. That charm is gonna win him so much female interest over the years! LOL
You know I feel for you about your home having been there myself, so I do hope yours sells super fast!
I'm so sad for your friends. That's heartbreaking.
Praying!! =(
Hope you have some serious lookers/buyers come your way soon ~ the market is so challenging right now! praying for that too!
love the pics of Luke... precious days!! =)
Have a great weekend!
Love the pipe cleaner writing. How awful for your friends to have to bury their son. I think it has to be the worst sort of death to deal with, that of your own child.
Sam is adorable :-)
So sorry about your friends' son, such a dreadful thing to have to deal with.
ahh, what a stud muffin and what a pooped out little man. my daughter starts preschool this fall. only 2 days a week but, i can't believe we still have 3 weeks of summer yet some kids are already sweating it in the classrooms!
please stop by and see what we have been up to and enter the envirosax giveaway!
your friends are in my thoughts. my uncle lost his battle just under a year ago.
I liked the pictures of Luke--so cute.
So sad for that family whose 7-yr-old son died. Praying for them right now. I'll never understand why God gives people children and then takes them away so soon--but then, I cannot see His overall plan either and just have to trust Him and realize every breath he gives us is a gift.
Stopping by from Mrs4444 Friday Fragments.
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