

Wordless Wednesday: Day One

School is back in session...



Buckeroomama said... 1

The kids have such big backpacks these days, don't they? LOL!

More Than Words said... 2

He looks so cute!!! Ours start next Monday!

alicia said... 3

So soon? Is this a happy or sad day? I'm home. Come by and join my party.

Beth F said... 4

Oh no! Glad he's smiling, but it seems so early for school.

Lauren Wayne said... 5

Oh! That brings back memories. So glad you took a picture!

Thanks for linking up at Hobo Mama!

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 6

Wow! Already back in school. He looks handsome.

Tayarra said... 7

Back to school! Bittersweet, I'm sure!

Miranda @ Keeper of the Cheerios said... 8

I can't believe how early school has started for you. We still have like 10 days here. :) I love that picture, it's so sweet!

Unknown said... 9

They go back soooo early!!
Following you now from A Beautiful Mess
Tiffany @ HGF

He & Me + 3 said... 10

OMGosh...I hope he has a great day!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said... 11

WOW! Your kids go back to school early.

stevebethere from bethere2day said... 12

The kids don't go back till September here in UK

Happy WW!

Jennifer Oberth said... 13

Wow, this is a bit early. At least he looks happy enough - so far!


Alexandra said... 14


Nicolle said... 15

Sweet photo!

Unknown said... 16

I can't believe it! We don't go back until after Labor Day. I am sort of glad we still have summer time. It has been so flipping hot! : ) We need to be at the pool for sure!

Cyndy Bush said... 17

So cute! I love his shorts.

Tammi @ My Organized Chaos said... 18

We don't start her until Sept, but it's drawing so close!


Liz Mays said... 19

I can't even believe it! He looks so darn cute on the first day!

Ashley Sisk said... 20

He is absolutely the cutest kid ever - what a great first day pic!

sarah @ life {sweet} life said... 21

Ahh, he is SO stinking cute!! I miss back to school time.