

"E" is for...










Elizabeth Lyng said... 1

Oh, you're so good. I came up with nothing this week for "E." Maybe now I have some inspiration :)

Lori said... 2

you did a great job coming up with E words. I had a hard time but seems like you didn't

FYH said... 3

What a fun post! Love it...

Anonymous said... 4

These are great!

Anonymous said... 5

The evening is beautiful! The sky reminds me of cotton candy!

Ashley Sisk said... 6

Nicely done. I almost forgot about this challenge. I think all I've got is eggs. Ha ha. Love all of your photos though.

He & Me + 3 said... 7

Those were so awesome. That evening shot was beautiful. i just love to look at the sky in amazement of His awesome artistry.

A Bit of the Blarney said... 8

Gorgeous sky!!! Cathy

SquirrelQueen said... 9

Great shots, that little elephant is so cute. The glasses remind me of Elton John!

Kim, USA said... 10

What a very great shots you've got. Love the entertaining. Happy Monday!
Macro Monday

Trish ~ ♥ ~ said... 11

fun shots,

Joanne Olivieri said... 12

Your shots are fantastic. LOVE the little one in shades and the evening pic is gorgeous.

khaye said... 13

you have a wonderful shot. an eagle nice one
here mine:

Animor said... 14

Nice photos here love the photo of the eagle and the sunglasses star shape of the boy. Thanks for visiting me and the comment.

Chubskulit Rose said... 15

Love the entertainment picture.

My Mellow Yellow

Liz said... 16

Wonderful photos. Love the star shades. :)

Renegades said... 17

Love love the eek and the elephant photos!

Anonymous said... 18

These are all wonderful. Great photos.

Kala said... 19

Nice tones and light in the Eagle shot.

Marites said... 20

i like the tree silhouette shots.. very nice!

A 2 Z said... 21

Hi Dina,

Visiting from Yellow Monday! I love your photos. All different and creative. Thanks for sharing.


Buckeroomama said... 22

This looks like such a fun meme... I'll have to play along one of these days. :)

*Mom's Best Bets said... 23

great colors!
BTW: I featured your giveaway here:

margie said... 24

love the elephant. great macro.

Anonymous said... 25

What creative "E"'s and what a great macro...your ghost is getting me in the spirit of Halloween! :)

Liz Mays said... 26

Oh I just love it!!!!!!

jennykate77 said... 27

I really love the "entertaining" pic!! SO cute!!

Great pictures!

Caitlin Alexander said... 28

Great pictures!! Especially the elephant one. That made me smile. :)

Unknown said... 29

That sky is so colorful! And I love the elephant and BOO! :0)

Unknown said... 30

You are so creative.
Seriously! Brilliant!

Erika B said... 31

Great shots! I love the little elephant, not to mention the one with the cool shades!

Erika B

Seizing My Day said... 32

I have some elephants too... E is a hard letter! nice job! Love the Eek photo!! =)

Naomi said... 33

You've got some great photos over here!! Thanks for your kind comment on my blog as well!! :)

Unknown said... 34

I so love all your "E"xcellent photo thanks for playing along this week.