

Tuesday Treasures

The weather continues to amaze us, so we're spending as much time
as possible outside!

Sam keeps this scary fellow in his room during the month of October...


Luke is still so very yummy...

Here's that foto "before"...

Touch Up Tuesday's at the Paper Mama



Anonymous said... 1

What great photos!Looks like fun outside.

FYH said... 2

Great post! Love the pumpkin light...

Elizabeth Lyng said... 3

Looks like you guys are enjoying the cooler weather as much as we are! Love the little pumpkin and the boys are just adorable!

Erika B said... 4

Beautiful shots! We are spending a lot of time outdoors as well now before it gets too cold. Helps keep all the germs away as well! My oldest would absolutely love that scary pumpkin light.

Erika B

Sonya said... 5

We've got a streak of beautiful weather aswell..Im so living it. Your photos look fantastic!

Katherine Schultz said... 6 always :)

Luke is sooo cute! My goodness, so divine.

With love,

k XX

Unknown said... 7

Usually October in Honduras is wet and rather warm. Thus far it's like fall in the Northern Hemisphere, cool and almost dry. I really liked your shots of the chilren, especially Luke. I have a little friend named Melissa who is hard to photograph lately b/c she loves racing around on her two year old legs. Happy day to you!

Nicolle said... 8

I'm glad your weather is BEAUTIFUL!

Both of the boys are "yummy". :) You have 2 beautiful babies!

Buckeroomama said... 9

Beautiful processing on that last pic of Luke ---LOVE!!

...and that scary jack-o-lantern? J and Z would totally think it's cool to have one in their room, too --except that I don't think I've ever seen pumpkins big enough for carving around here. :(

Katie said... 10

I love the pumpkin - the light is great and the texture of your carpet adds to it!

likeschocolate said... 11

He is so darling. Continue to enjoy your Indian Summer while it last!

Kristen Laudick said... 12

Great shots! Love the edit!

Anonymous said... 13

Oh I just love the park shots! And wonderful edit!

Seizing My Day said... 14

love the outdoor pics!! Is Luke holding flarp??! =)

Ashley Sisk said... 15

Your posts always make me smile. The weather is so beautiful right now. I wish I could stay outside all day long. I need to find a jack-o-lantern...hmmm maybe I'll go shopping this evening. I'm not creative enough to cut one myself and I hate the mess.

staci said... 16

He is so yummy, I miss my kids being that way, I guess they are just yummy in that smelly elementary school way !!! I love the post processing on your photo. It really enhanced the photo.

Kala said... 17

great shots hun love the jack o lantern one!!!

the Lola Letters said... 18

That before and after photo is amazing! Nice work. He is terribly yummy in both though... ;)

Liz Mays said... 19

They're both very yummy kids. So cute!! I don't blame you for spending as much time outside as you possibly can!

Serline said... 20

Love the happy image and the color tone. Have a blessed week!

Cyndy Bush said... 21

Love them all. The pumpkin pic is amazing, it would be great as a framed wall deco for fall!

Satakieli said... 22

I love the Pumpkin! A beautiful set of photographs!

Nat said... 23

Great job on all your pictures. Love the pumpkin. This will be the first year for me!

Nat said... 24
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faith ann raider said... 25

What a great idea for this challenge. Very creative. Thanks so much for linking up :)