

"F" is for...

furry feet

fall friend



See more "off-center" photos at Shutterbug Sunday!





Jessica said... 1

I love the Fisher Price Barn!! I had the same one growing up and found out a couple months ago that my mom still had it! :)

Elizabeth Lyng said... 2

Good ones! I too love the Fisher Price photo - so creative.

Ashley Sisk said... 3

You're so good. I haven't even started thinking about the letter F. Hmmm...what to shoot.

Buckeroomama said... 4

The Flip is so cool... and such bright colors! :)

Betty Jo said... 5

These are awesome. I especially like the Fearless one!!

Anonymous said... 6

Great job! I still have to do my F photos! Agh! I have so much going on.

alissa {33shadesofgreen} said... 7

Great photos Dina! I love the Fisher Price one - those are great toys!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said... 8

Love the Fisher Price photo :-) Brought back so many memories.

Unknown said... 9

You have such a great imagination for this week challenge, great share. thank you for sharing

He & Me + 3 said... 10

Love your cool flip camera. Mine is just plain white. Oh those fisher price fun.

Amanda said... 11

I love the fear-less and the furry feet! Very creative!

SarahinSC said... 12

I love it when I see a post and can't decide which shot I like best. This was on of those posts! Great work!

Anonymous said... 13

Awesome shots...I love those furry feet and that fearless boy!

Lori said... 14

love the fisher price photo. very creative group of F pictures

Anonymous said... 15

You always have such great pics! Good choices this week...I struggled with the letter F....Not sure why... ;)

Chubskulit Rose said... 16

Greats shots!

My Mellow Yellow Post

Michelle said... 17

I love 'Fearless' hehe! and Fall Friend too =D

Liz said... 18

Great shots! The spider looks really creepy.


Junneth said... 19

Great post. Oh I like your boy so fearless up on that tree! My MYM is posted #32 and 52 of My linky tool. Pls do browse! Thanks friend!

Erika B said... 20

That sure is a yellow bus! We love Fisher Price around here but we don't have that bus. I'd better get started on my "F" photos this evening. Yours are truly great. I have an idea for fearless as well.

Erika B

Anonymous said... 21

Love your F's. Your flip camera is awesome. I really like your furry feet shot.

LisaShaw said... 22

I love the fearless shot of Sam but then the spider had me fearful! :)

Hugs and love!

Lou Belcher said... 23

Great shots. I do love the furry feet. Very nice.

Gwen @ Gwenny Penny said... 24

LOVE the Fisher-Price photo! Old Little People toys always bring back such great memories for me. Thanks for sharing!

Knowly365 said... 25

Great Shots. I like the one with the boy in the tree. It reminds me of our girls.

Seizing My Day said... 26

Somehow I missed this post! Fabulous Finds!! I love that you have um... Fisher Price from the 70's!! ;) I wish my mom had saved ours!!

Sarah said... 27

Love your furry feet photo! great job!

kewkew said... 28

Wow you have some really creative interpretations of F. Thanks for the memories. I miss the toys that were around when I was younger.