

i heart faces

This week's theme at is "I Heart Beef".

Here is my interpretation...



Unknown said... 1

Dina! That is the cutest little beef I have ever seen. Oh my goodness! LOVE that picture. Sweet as can be : )

Ashley Sisk said... 2

Nice Dina! Nice!

Lin said... 3

What a cute baby beef!

Anonymous said... 4

So cute! I really love this picture.

Marvett Smith said... 5

So cute!

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said... 6

This photo is wonderful! But, now I'm sad that I LOVE steak!

Teresa said... 7

Fantastic!! :D

angie {the arthur clan} said... 8

Awwww! How cute is that?!

Buckeroomama said... 9

Oh, it makes me just want to reach out and pet him/her!

Kate said... 10

Oh, so cute! But kind of guilt-inducing too :)

Erika B said... 11

Oh my, that's is some cute beef! Very sweet shot.

Erika B

FYH said... 12

Oh..., not sure I'm gone eat my beef today :-(
This is to cute...

Dena said... 13

I love it. I'm also glad not to be the only one with a cow picture!

Sonya said... 14

very cute

Anonymous said... 15

Aww.. so cute! Great shot.

LisaShaw said... 16

Oh I love this!!!


Sarah said... 17

Love it! What a great interpretation!

Helen said... 18

Aww! Too cute to eat!

He & Me + 3 said... 19

I shall never eat beef again. It is just too cute.

Marla said... 20


Marla @

Steph said... 21

Aww, this is adorable!