

Monday's Moments

The challenge this week at A Sorta Fairytale is "precious moments".

My boys are both 100% precious, but my favorite thing about them both 
is their sense of humor.  Take Luke, for instance...the other day I 
asked him to grab his shoes and start putting them on.  In no time, 
he was yelling, "I did it, Mama!  I did it, Mama!"

This is what I found...

This (not so) little guy visited with us over the weekend...

This week's Paper Mama challenge is "me and mama"...

Luke is on top of me every second; a real mama's boy!  Plus, I'm always 
in need of a pedicure.  Teehee.

The Paper Mama



Kate said... 1

Wow, I love these pictures! My son would do exactly the same thing!

Unknown said... 2

That is so incredibly Cute!! Your son - not the bug - eww. LOL.

Liz Mays said... 3

It's the middle of the night and Luke made me burst out laughing! I hope nobody woke up!

What is that creepy critter?

mub said... 4

Haha that's too cute!

What sort of crazy bug is that? A beetle of some sort?

FYH said... 5

Your boy is so cute...

Maaike said... 6

a great macro with nice bokeh!

Elizabeth Lyng said... 7

He is so cute, I could just squeeze him through the computer! AND - I am not kidding, we saw a bug just like that this weekend! I got some photos too, but haven't had time to edit them yet. What is it???? Luckily he was outside :) Have a great week!

Anonymous said... 8

Love the idea of the feet for the challenge at The Paper Mama... :)
And the bug, I see the comment above by Elizabeth-it looks to me like a squash bug-Named that because if you have a garden they love, love to eat up all of your squash. ;(

Ashley Sisk said... 9

These are all great but I really love your Macro this week. Amazing detail. great work.

Heidi said... 10

That is too funny with the socks and shoes! So cute. I love your Mama and Me. Darling. The bug freaks me out however. ;)

Mandy@ a sorta fairytale said... 11

Oooh I love all of these shots! Your me & mama shot is so original. And of course, I love your precious moments shot! You son is absolutely adorable!

Anonymous said... 12

Great photos! love all of them.

Buckeroomama said... 13

Yeah well, Momma, you didn't say, "Put them on your FEET." LOL! Too cute!

LisaShaw said... 14

Aww, Luke is TOO CUTE! I love that he put his sneakers on his hands. I would have done the same thing (SMILE)...

Your family is so full of JOY!! Love that! Love ya!

Liz said... 15

such a cool macro shot.

Seizing My Day said... 16

LOVE your macro shot... **sigh** I miss macro on my broken camera!! **grrrr** =)

LOVE the Luke pics and story... Sammy was a huge mama's boy too... always within inches of me... loved it... but it drove me crazy too! ;)

I missed Sat. post... darn it! and they were closed today... (WHAT?... school open Post office not?!!) Tomorrow! =) I am always late, behind, last minute!! ha ha!

Seizing My Day said... 17

ps is that a tattoo on your foot?? DO share!!

Alisha K said... 18

Hi, I just wanted to stop by and let you know I have 3 Blog Awards for you on my blog. My daughter and I really enjoy the pics of your little ones.

Amy Nielson said... 19

ok, putting shoes on his hands is too cute. thanks for stopping by my blog! i'm following you now :)

Mamí♥Picture said... 20

Love all your captures!
Specially the one of the cute feet!
Have a Fabulous Tuesday!

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said... 21

Too cute, your family is so beautiful!

Little Hatchlings said... 22

Gosh, I always LOVE looking at pictures of your boys. They are just sooo good looking! You know I love your photos but when they are in it, it's 1000 times better!

Bernadine said... 23

Your son is so cute! He is also absolutely right, he did get them on, lol.

Thank you for stopping by my blog today, it's really nice to meet you.

Suburban Girl said... 24

Cute cute cute...those first couple of shots! The bug not so cute...but interesting none the less!

Sorry about the linky problem....thanks for stopping back to link up!

Christie, Describe Happy said... 25

Great photos! Really captures a lot of emotions!

Dianne said... 26

He's adorable :)
and he did put his shoes on LOL

love all the photos

EG CameraGirl said... 27

Cool photos!

Chelsey - The Paper Mama said... 28

I love all the photos! Your Me and Mama photo is cute!