

Wednesday's winners!


I was asked to donate a couple matted prints to a local auction again, 
and these are the choices...

This is probably one of my favorite photos ever.  (And, he could still fly!)

Lovely Photo - Wordless or Not-So-Wordless Wednesday at Aspire



The Redneck Rosarian said... 1

Great Picture! Happy WW!

Heidi said... 2

Completely love them both.

FYH said... 3

Oooh, they are so beautiful. I love photos with
little poems on them....

Elizabeth Lyng said... 4

They are both great, but yes- that butterfly one is super sweet!

Anonymous said... 5

Wow, those are beautiful!

Suburban Girl said... 6

Love the Robin photo. They are all nice but the RObin photo is my favortie.

Buckeroomama said... 7

The Robin photo is just gorgeous!! =)

Anonymous said... 8

wow, just beautiful!

Laura said... 9


Gemma Wiseman said... 10

Delightful photos! And love the words complementing them!

Rachel @ Finding Joy said... 11

Wonderful photos. I love the robin picture!

Anonymous said... 12

How cool. Great photos!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said... 13

Wow. I love your photos. The robin picture is simply beautiful.

Nicolle said... 14

Love these. I have always loved the bird one so much!

Ashley Sisk said... 15

Love these - happy wednesday!

Run DMT said... 16

Wow. Those photos are just stunning. I love the quotes too. I think the bird print is my favorite. The colors are so warm. It would look great in my house! ;-)

alicia said... 17

Both are equally beautiful. Thanks for linkin up for WW!

Liz Mays said... 18

You are so generous! They are just beautiful!

Seizing My Day said... 19

Stunning!! =) I love trying to capture birds!

I got it!!! Clever ~ I loved it! and the kids did get a kick out of it! I am already wondering who I can do the same thing to!! haha ...

I went overboard with mine... =) sorry!! I swear next month it will only be a letter!! ha ha!! we did not have the same idea...I was nervous! ha ha! I can't wait til ya all get it!! =)

jennykate77 said... 20

LOVE those pics!!

Hope you're having a great week so far!♥

Dorcas said... 21

All I can say is AWESOME!!!!

Amy Nielson said... 22

those are gorgeous. love the first one :)

More Than Words said... 23

Wow! Both are gorgeous!!

Lauren Wayne said... 24

Wow, those are beautiful! I would love to be at that auction.

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said... 25

They are both really fantastic shots!

Bunch of Barrons said... 26

Wow...LOVE that shot of the bird! Great color and detail!

LisaShaw said... 27

Dina, these are ABSOLUTELY beautiful! I think the Bird is my favorite although I love butterflies too.

You are such a blessing! Love you much!

Jenny said... 28

Those are awesome! Great quote for the butterfly pic!

Jen said... 29

Beautiful! The bird is my favorite.

Amber D said... 30

THat bird shot is great!

Anonymous said... 31

Stunning photos. I really like the second one.

Susan said... 32

Beautiful photos. I love that the robin chose such a lovely red fence.

Anonymous said... 33

Beautiful photos!

CindyC said... 34

Excellent photos, and fitting words. :)

Claudya Martinez said... 35

They are gorgeous.

Unknown said... 36

They're both beautiful and have perfect quotes! :0)

Amanda said... 37

I love the bird. So beautiful.