

Friday Fotos and Facts

You can just never tell what the weather will be like in GA.  It literally 
changes day-to-day.  And with the recently (very) warm sun, my knockout 
roses are blooming once again.

We are blessed to have some of our NY family in town this weekend. 
The weather looks to be wonderful for tomorrow's Pumpkin Fest in 
our neighborhood.  Plenty of pics to come!

This week, I was blessed with some beautiful blog awards.  I'm not the best
with the rules that follow the awards, but I did want to mention the 2 great gals
that sent them over.  If you love family, fotos, etc. (and I know you do),
take a moment to visit with...

Ramble Road {Ramblings}

And,'s early Fall in GA.  Our colors are just starting to show...

This photo was taken on one of the nature trails in my subdivision.  Luke 
and I really love to stroll through here and look for squirrels and deer. 
(He's often looking for giraffes, too!)  It's so serene.

"Nature is too thin a screen; the glory of the omnipresent God bursts 
through everywhere."
Ralph Waldo Emerson

PhotoStory Friday



FYH said... 1

Love the texture...

Liz Mays said... 2

Oh my gosh, the view in your neighborhood by the bridge is AMAZING!

Buckeroomama said... 3

Your rose is lovely! I almost used a rose for my macro entry, too. :)

I love your bridge and the changing colors in the trees...

The Redneck Rosarian said... 4

Great shot! Of course, I'm partial to rose photos!! ha. Lovely bridge photo too! Have a great weekend.....

Jessica said... 5

We just moved from GA a few short years ago so I know what you mean about the weather! Beautiful view in your neighborhood!!! I think I would be out there everyday. ;) contests on the awards. I'll have to go check those blogs out. Have a great weekend with the family!!

Nicolle said... 6

Both of those photos are GORGEOUS! Love the rose so much and the bridge does look so beautiful and serene. We are getting a little fall color in our trees finally as well.

Have fun with your NY family. That is cool that they are in town to visit. Can't wait to see pics of the pumpkin fest.

have a great weekend!

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said... 7

I love the rose. The texture is really, really nice.

brainella said... 8

When we go for walks we look for aliens and spaceships. :-)

Unknown said... 9

Love. Love. LOVE your rose. How pretty.
And I also love your subdivision that has nature trails! Our subdivision has a sidewalk : ) and they thing that is pretty impressive : )

Raymonde said... 10

Love the rose, the edit is great, so vintage.

Take care. xxx

Liz said... 11

that first one is stunning love the edit.

Ashley Sisk said... 12

Love your rose shot...and that bridge reminds me of the bridge we got engaged on. Lovely.

Elizabeth Lyng said... 13

Beautiful shots, that flower is dreamy. Have a great weekend!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 14

I LOVE that last shot of colors and the bridge! That's so pretty! And the roses as well. Have fun with the family and enjoy the pumpkin fest! :)

Justine said... 15

well done with all your blog awards and congratulations on another great shot.

Evelyn S. said... 16

Fabulous treatment of this beautiful rose blossom! I so hope that my potted floribunda buds will be able to bloom before the nightly freezes are just too hard.

Seizing My Day said... 17

Have I ever asked what camera you use?? =)
Love the bridge photo!! in your neighborhood!! LOVELY! Laughing out loud about the looking for a giraffe!! ha ha!! Both my kids would have done that! =) love imaginations!

Anonymous said... 18

I love your macro shot! Gorgeous!

mub said... 19

Gorgeous gorgeous gorgeous!

Have fun with your family from NY this weekend. It's always nice to spend time with people you don't get to see very often!

Lisa Gordon said... 20

Love the texture in the rose. Wonderful work on this one!

Rosie said... 21

Autumn is such a lovely time of year and your bridge scene is lovely and our scenery in Scotland is turning just like this aswell. Your rose photo is gorgeous too and its great to meet you through Macro Friday.

jennykate77 said... 22

The pictures are beautiful...I especially love the nature trail shot! I'm loving all of the fall colors around here too. GA is so much like OK. Our weather changes from day to day too. We've had gorgeous weather this week.

Hope you have a wonderful weekend with your company and the Pumpkin Fest! Oh, and congrats on your bloggy awards! :)

Claudya Martinez said... 23

The picture of the bridge is wonderful. I hope you always have your camera on you, in case you spot a giraffe.

Have a great weekend.

Natalie said... 24

Oh wow how lovely that is! The bridge is awesome!! I would love to stroll through there myself!! Thanks for sharing!!

Carrie and Troy Keiser said... 25

The rose is beautiful and so is your emerginf fall path.

Excellent Parent said... 26

looks like a painting

Laura said... 27

What a beautiful macro shot! I love the texture and contrast between foreground/background... really lovely!! :)