Have you seen these cute little crabs???
If not...then meet the Xia-Xia Pets (pronounced Sha-Sha)
from the makers of DaGeDar and Zhu Zhu Pets.
These new colorful, collectible creatures combine the loveable charm
of a real hermit crab but add a twist of imagination. Each Xia-Xia comes
with a candy colored shell in which kids can find a little friend hidden
inside. Additional shells can be purchased so children can style their
Xia-Xia in their favorite fashions. For an added bonus, each additional
shell contains two little friends. Xia-Xia have colorful playsets, bringing
alive a world of color, magic, and imagination for kids to enjoy!
We recently received one each of the cute little crabs, some
extra shells and three fun playsets. They really are too cute,
and kept us giggling as they scooted around their "habitats".
And, tho, they appear fragile, they can certainly handle the
fingers of a 3-year old, plus the occasional fall. Love that!
The tiny friends that come in the shells were a big bonus
for my kids, too. And, I personally, loved the packaging
for the crabs and shells.
These fun pets are predicted to be a big seller during the
holidays, so I'm really happy to announce that I have one
crab and shell to give away! Wanna win them?
These fun pets are predicted to be a big seller during the
holidays, so I'm really happy to announce that I have one
crab and shell to give away! Wanna win them?
Just leave a comment below telling me what you
like best about this new toy. That's it! Oh, and
if you're a follower, you can get a second entry.
(Please leave a second comment.)
***This giveaway will end at 9PM on October 31st.***
like best about this new toy. That's it! Oh, and
if you're a follower, you can get a second entry.
(Please leave a second comment.)
***This giveaway will end at 9PM on October 31st.***
(Many thanks to MomSelect and Cepia for the opportunity to review these items.
The opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced in any manner.)

Guess who is a follower???
Let me tell you what I like best bout this today - I love that really act like hermit crabs with out all the mess and feeding of REAL live Hermit Crabs.
Seems my Hannah adores hermit crabs and well the real live ones do not thrive well at our house. :( I wonder if this may fix her hermit crab bug with out getting more reals ones. ;)
I love that you can purchase other shells. My daughter would love to "redress" them
I am a follower
3 giggly monsters
I like the bright colors and the extra shells so they can change them like crab clothes.
PS. And of course I'm a follower!
these look totally cute and fun. I also love that my kids can interact with them. Thank you for the giveaway
i'm also a new follower of your blog. <3
How fun! (And yes! I am a follower!)
Love these little creatures. The grandkids love to play with toys like this and then they become what they are playing with. LOL Would love to have one.
Oh fun. I have not seen those. They are so cute. Boyd would especially love them. He has been asking lately, why do crabs pinch?? I have no idea why he is asking, but it's funny. :)
I'm a follower!
Also -- what I like best is they are just so darn cute.
They're so cute and colorful! Makes me think of Cha Cha Gabor!
I love the little crabs they are so cute.
i'm also a follower.
That is so neat. I love any kind of sea creature.
I am a follower.
I had never heard of these "pets". Must be a generational gap thingie. :)
I had never heard of these "pets". Must be a generational gap thingie. :)
They're cute! And, I bet you could play with them on all the Littlest Pet Shop stuff, too!
They are adorable and will keep my little one busy for hours. Trinidad is my fav. I am liking the fact that they are not REAL. :)
GFC follower irishluck1114. Thanks.
I love how much cuter than real hermit crabs these are!
GFC Follower Cassandra
so cute! i think my daughter would really love these~
i'm a follower (andi)
no mess, don't die lol
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
GFC Kendra22
kendraco22 at yahoo dot com
So, so cute...and such an easy pet. :)
Amy P.
The colour!! Loving the cuteness of them, but mostly the fun colour! (and, my kids are huge zhu zhu fans, so I'm guessing these will be a hit, too!)
And, of course I'm a follower!! Just ditto my comment above <3
Love that there is something inside. It's like 2 toys!!
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
Following maggietucker10
maggietucker10 at yahoo dot com
I love them because the are not only cute, but so different than any other toy out there!!
I think it is cute that they are little crabs, Addison would enjoy playing with them!
I'm a follower too!
I think that the option to change their shells is awesome! My nieces would love these toys!
leechrista @ gmail dot com
I follow you on GFC. I'm Lee!
I love that they are cute little crabs! There are a million dogs, cats, and hampsters out there, but not many crabs! So unique!
And I'm a follower too! :) My name should come up on GFC as ErinJeany or Erin Pyle!
What I like best is the bright colors! And they are mess-free unlike real ones!
I'm a GFC Follower - Janet Watson
They are adorable my girls would love theses, nice and easy to take care of!
Thank u
I LOVE how cute these toys are! (Plus, my Mom is always talking about buying REAL hermit crabs for my kids - NO THANK YOU!)
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
I follow your GFC - Doodle741
residentmayor at satx.rr.com
What I like best about this toy is that they are so cute and colorful, and I know my grandkids would just love them. Please enter me. Thanks!
I am a follower on GFC as Anita Yancey.
I like that they made girl and boy named crabs so if my kids jacob and sophia want to play they can w/o my son feeling like hes playing with a "girl toy" LOL
mel91284 at yahoo dot com
Honestly I'm not that excited about another little group of toys to collect, but my girls really want them and think they are sooooooo cute. cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
GFC follower cwitherstine at zoominternet dot net
I love how colorful and cute they are
I love that they are so cute! I would love to win this for my youngest daughter, Amberly. I know she would flip out! She loves toys like this!
I became a GFC follower: Jennifer Clay
I love that they could be like little pets
I love their bright colours and their interactive shells...heavensent1@yahoo dotcom
GFC follow *heavensent1*
I like that you can purchase other shells
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
gfc follow
rjs682 at yahoo dot com
I love that you can get extra shells for your pets.
I am a follower.
I just love that these are so cute!
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
GFC follower Lisa W
frugalmommieof2 at gmail.com
These are adorable!
I love that the hermit crabs are like "real pets" but you dont have to feed them, clean their cage, etc! lol
we have too many real pets as it is!
hairbows.n.more at gmail dot com
NEW gfc follower! thanks for an awesome giveaway!!
hairbows.n.more at gmail dot com
I like that these are a great alternative to my son having a live hermit crab :)
I'm following you... via gfc!
they are just so dang cute!
I love these little toys I know my little 3 year old granddaughter would love them, the bright colors and easy to handle
I follow you on GFC
Good post, sweetie! I'll be waiting for more! BTW, I suggest you should make this blog a bit more social.
Barbara 22Smith
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