

Faces and Feet and Friends

It's all about faces this week at You Capture, so I thought I would share the 
boys.  At different moments this week, I asked both Sam and Luke to make a 
funny face.  Here's what they came up with...

And, I can't forget this sweet boy in my house...


It's been crisp most mornings this week, so I actually pulled out a pair of my boots!

We recently hosted some fine Cub Scouts at our home.  Luke got right 
in the middle of them!



FYH said... 1

Great shots! Love those big brown eyes of your boys...

Elizabeth Lyng said... 2

Oh, those faces! So adorable. Oh, and I love wearing boots - second only to sandals :) You've reminded me that I want some new browns ones.

Anonymous said... 3

Very cute faces! My kids refuse to cooperate when asked to pull a face or smile. They are in the "lets do the exact opposite of what Mommy wants" stage! LOL.

Ashley Sisk said... 4

Those faces are so sweet and your cat is beautiful!

Katy {and Kahler} said... 5

Great faces. These pictures made me smile. :)

Jenny Esterbrook Photography said... 6

Loving these shots, your kiddos are adorable and I am a boot finatic!!

R Montalban said... 7

What beautiful eyes those kids have. Thanks for popping over to see "the skulls" and leaving a comment.

C.G. Koens said... 8

Great cat picture - love the colors and texture!

Anonymous said... 9

Love those great big eyes! By the way, what started out as a Rock Star and became more of a Tom Sawyer is up at my place. LOL

tiarastantrums said... 10

well, of course your little one got right in there! whenever my son has he neighbor kid over to play - my daughter is so jealous! She actually tries to fight both the boys b/c they won't play with her!


Liz Mays said... 11

Your captures of Luke are particularly making me giggle this time!

Bunch of Barrons said... 12

Cute photos! :) Love that first one!

Anonymous said... 13

Great shots. I love the picture of your cat. Too cute!

Claudya Martinez said... 14

Even the boy's "funny" faces are beautiful.

Alita said... 15

Those are some very adorable faces!

Oh and your cat is such a cutie.

Buckeroomama said... 16

I can't get over your boys' beautiful brown eyes (and those lovely long lashes)!

Carletta said... 17

Funny faces with beautiful brown eyes!!
The little furry guy looks like he's waiting patiently for someone to put the camera down. :)
Love the boot shot!!!

Nicolle said... 18

Cute boys all around! :)

Love the boots!

LisaShaw said... 19

Great photos!!! Great fun!!