

Friday Fotos & Facts

On a walk this week, we happened upon so many beautyberry bushes.  Their 
color is amazing, but the birds LOVE them, so every clump was a bit abused.

It's beginning to look a lot like Halloween in these parts!

PhotoStory Friday



My recent giveaway was so much fun that I'm planning another exciting review & 
giveaway from CSN Stores in the near future!  I wonder what it will be? 
Maybe something practical, like an ottoman coffee table.  Maybe something fun, 
like a tricycle.  Maybe something pretty, like new dinnerware.

You'll have to check back to see.



Living In Williamsburg Virginia said... 1

Love the color of the beautyberry bush. Nice shot.

Darryl and Ruth : )

Nicolle said... 2

Love the first shot. Gorg! Love your halloween stuff too and the collage features it all so well. I could never put pumpkins on our fireplace though, Boyd would destroy the display in about 2 seconds. :)

Have a beautiful weekend!

Buckeroomama said... 3

I've never seen pink berries before... so pretty!

...and I love your Halloween collage!

Amanda said... 4

Those berrys are beautiful! I love their color.

Elizabeth Lyng said... 5

I love, love, love that pink!
Oh, and I think I may be last on the block to get out my Halloween stuff. Better move that up on the to-do list this weekend!

Betty Jo said... 6

Love the beauty berry shot. I remember those from when I lived in GA. Haven't seen any of them here in TN.

Justine said... 7

I've never heard of the beautberry bush, it looks great in this photograph though.

brainella said... 8

Dominic really wants a skeleton but I'm not so sure it wouldn't frighten him. He acts real tough sometimes but weird things scare him. :) Love your Halloween look!

Unknown said... 9

Love those berries! And what a fun Halloween collage!! My kids are aching to pull out our Halloween stuff, but getting up in the attic is low on my husband's to-do list. :(

Anonymous said... 10

The berry bush is lovely! I don't think we have any around here. I've never seen one in any case. Thanks for sharing.

Anonymous said... 11

Great shots! I've never seen berries that color before.

Natalie said... 12

That is beautiful! I love it and how it fits in the theme! The bokeh is also gorgeous! Thanks for entering!

Liz said... 13

I love the name of this. Pretty shot. I wish we had these were I live. Do you know what Zone you are? I am 3-4. It gets cold here.

Rosie leavesnbloom said... 14

I've 2 beauty berries in the garden - I love their berries. I must get out and get some pictures of mine before the birds eat the lot. Lovely shot.

Mama Monkey said... 15

Now I have to put that bush on my list of things to plant next spring!!

Liz Mays said... 16

I have my decorations out now too, and that bush is simply lovely!

Tina said... 17

That is a really nice shot.

PS. I love fall & Halloween! Fun right?

Rosie Grey said... 18

I love the colour, too - very pretty!

Ashley Sisk said... 19

That beautyberry is it.

Anonymous said... 20

what a beautiful shade of pink! Beautiful.

Anonymous said... 21

I've never heard of beautyberries, but they are pretty!

Simon said... 22

I found oodles of berries this week too, but no pink ones. Love your photo.

Anonymous said... 23

Those berries are gorgeous. Great Halloween decorations!

Mommy2Four said... 24

Beautiful...I'm learning about all these new plants and bugs this macro friday!

Seizing My Day said... 25

Love love love the berry bush pic!!

and the fireplace display! I love brick fireplace/hearths!

I am finally embracing Fall and Halloween (kinda) =) We are still changing the candy focus this year to a new "tradition"... maybe?!! We are going to dress up and go "Boo Bowling" instead! lol! and we will stop into Target and pick out our own tooth friendly candy before we come home!! =)

Mackenzie said... 26

love the color of the flower! and the halloween collage!

Megan said... 27

I love the colors and vibrance in the photo! It's so pretty!

And I am in love with the fall pictures you posted. I have a strange obsession with fall colors.!

Keep up the amazing photography! I always really enjoy seeing the pictures that you take. :-)


Robin Beck said... 28

You know, I think this is the first time I have ever seen a beautyberry bush! Such vibrant color! Great photography!

Looks like you are all set for fall~ I'm kind of going a little overboard with it on my blog but hey, a girls got to live on the edge a bit~ Ha!

Have a great weekend...


Lisa Gordon said... 29

I've never seen these, and they are just gorgeous.

I Wonder Wye said... 30

I worked and worked at digging up a beauty-berry bush I fell in love with and when I brought it home Excy pointed out three in our woods...oh well...I love them; love your Halloween decorations, too...

Carrie and Troy Keiser said... 31

Those berries are very pretty, great shot!

Courtney said... 32

This is beautiful! I love that color against the green. Lovely!

Renegades said... 33

Wow the color of your circular photo just pops!

Laura said... 34

just beautiful! I love the color and the texture!