

School's out for the Cub Scout's officially out!  And, Sam just received 
his Tiger Cub badge.  Lot's of excitement here...

It was a hot night in GA, but the kids had a great time...

Give me your best shot at Better in BulkPhotoStory Friday
Hosted by Cecily and Lolli

And, now I have a little sewing to do...

I have to post another pic of my 2011 hydrangeas.  They 
are just glorious this year and Wednesday evening, as the 
sun was dropping, I couldn't help but grab my camera...



Jennifer {Studio JRU} said... 1

Congratulations Sam... very exciting! Love the hydrangea shot. Gorgeous! :)

Nicolle said... 2

Way to go Sam!!!! Wonderful pictures Dina! :)

Mindy said... 3

That picture of the Hydrangea is INCREDIBLE!!!
I love hydrangeas. Can't wait for mine to be in full bloom. In the mountains of NC, we aren't quite there yet.
Congrats to your Tiger Schout!!! =)

SZM said... 4

oooh, that hydrangea is gorgeous! Yay for Sam!

Ashley Sisk said... 5

I seriously just caught a glimpse of Sam as a young man - you better watch out girl...he's going to be a heartbreaker!

Bossy Betty said... 6

Wonderful pictures of wonderful times!

P.S. I am a veteran of the badge-sewing club!

Lin said... 7

Well done Sam, hope he has a great summer!

mub said... 8

Congrats Sam! Onto the wolf now =D

Unknown said... 9

Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, the hydrangea is amazing.
And Sam is so flipping cute.
AND, you need to win a prize for best title ever. School's out for the cubscout...
oh my gosh! Kaish isn't in scouts but I totally want to use that! ; )

Buckeroomama said... 10

Love the cub scouts pictures!

School's out so early for you guys... when does school start again then?

Genn said... 11

Hi Dina!
Thank you for stopping by my blog and saying hello!
I read through some of your posts and your pictures are just beautiful. Looks like we both share a love of photography! (With my recent birthday I now have almost enough to buy the new slr I have been drooling over. the nikond7000. I can hardly wait!)

Glad to have found your blog! Hope you have a great weekend. :)

Travel With Lulu said... 12

So exciting!! Looks like a great location too :) XOL

Renegades said... 13

School is out here too.

I bet he was so excited about the new badge.

Rochelle@AFamilyofLooneys said... 14

The last picture is so pretty with the sun flare. I love it.
Way to go Sam. I know he has to be so excited to be out of school.

deb duty said... 15

Great photos of the cub scout meeting! Your hydrangea photo is stunning! Love it!!

Gina Kleinworth said... 16

Well congrats to him- that is quite an accomplishment! My son wrapped up his Arrow of Light a while back- scouting is quite a commitment but very rewarding for them as they become young men.

He & Me + 3 said... 17

Look at those flowers. A-mazing!
Yeah for your little scout. That is just awesome. I want my son to do Cub Scouts...what fun!

Cecily R said... 18

Wooo hooo for Sam!!

Your hydrangeas are GORGEOUS.

Unknown said... 19

Oh gosh, don't remind me! My scout is a Webelos now, and I still haven't sewn on the Bear badge or the last several arrow points he received. I'm a bad mama! :)

We still have 3 weeks of school left. :(

Linda S said... 20

this reminds me so much of my son....YEARS ago. so cute! love the photos!

Susan Anderson said... 21

What a nice, big troop he has! Congrats to Sam!


Light Trigger said... 22

Love the shade of blue in your picture! pretty! (via Lem Photo Challenge/Fabulous Friday)

Susan said... 23

Great pictures once again. Oh, those pictures bring back so many wonderful memories for me when my boys were that young!

Have a blessed day!

Linda said... 24

Terrific photo work... Happy Friday!!

Courtney said... 25

Goodness, girl - that last one is stunning! Great captures all around!

Anonymous said... 26

How exciting. Cute photos. I love that last one. So pretty.

Anonymous said... 27

Sam looks so handsome...your last one is so awesome!

{AJ Kreations}

Anonymous said... 28

Gorgeous backlit hydrangea. I must try that this year.

Unknown said... 29

lovely blue hydrangeas!

julie said... 30

Your Sam is SO handsome!! What a great capture of your hydrangeas...LOVE that light! :)

Dawn said... 31

Gorgeous pictures, as always. Congrats to that sweet boy for his new patch.

Have a wonderful Memorial Day weekend. =)

Serline said... 32

Three cheers for Sam! And you too for the gorgeous hydrangeas... have you offered them as wedding bouquets? They look perfect for the job!

Tara said... 33

Yay for no more school, he is just too handsome! The hydrangeas are STUNNING! Happy Memorial Day weekend!

Unknown said... 34

Congrats to Sam! Way to go!

Gorgeous hydrangeas! And you captured them beautifully!

Misty said... 35

Love the sunbeam shining through on those flowers! I see you like contests. I've got one going on at my blog called Favorite Photo of the Week. Feel free to join in if you like.

Rosie@leavesnbloom said... 36

Oh boy what a hydrangea capture - that is something else Dina - awesome!!!!!!!!

MomLaur said... 37

The hydrangeas are GORGEOUS! Love the shots of the boys too :0) (visiting from LEM)