

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1.  Classic Still Life

(Yep...a bowl of fruit!)

2.  Self-portrait

(My 10 painted piggies LOVE flip-flop season.)

3.  On the floor driveway

(We love our chalk.)

4.  Lines

(I immediately thought of my mission style furniture for 
this prompt.  Molly was trying to escape the paparazzi.)

(I wanted to include one of Luke's lines, too.)

5.  Fresh

(What's better than fresh veggies from the backyard?)

(Tiny tomatoes are so cute with their "fuzz".)



Buckeroomama said... 1

I love the colors in your still life. Haha, I used fruits, too! :)

Luke is so cute with his watch and his Silly Bandz! Z got so excited when I showed her the baby tomatoes. Our tomato plant has some flowers now, so hopefully we'll see some baby tomatoes of our own. :)

alicia said... 2

Love these. That first one is my fav. Did you add texture to it? I was trying to decide. Either way, beautiful.

Ashley Sisk said... 3

You'll see tomorrow but I didn't post a face shot either...well not on Ramblings and Photos. Very cute toe nails!

Nicolle said... 4

Love the tiny tomatoes, and the bowl of fruit. We love our sidewalk chalk too. Love your toenails, and the tattoo! :)

Unknown said... 5

i love your pedicure!

Brooke said... 6

Ahhh! I adore your pedicure ;D Such cute little flowers! And your fresh shots are darling. I want a garden.

Unknown said... 7

You're bowl of fruit looks like a painting with texture!

deb duty said... 8

Really great collection of photos! I love your still life and the sidewalk chalk looks so fun! Great looking green tomatoes too!

helena said... 9

fabulous set - love the chalf drawing on the driveway that includes the shadow

Jessaca said... 10

OOHHH Love the peddie job on your piggies!!! LOL on the lines photo!!! Great photo for fresh
enjoy your Sunday!!!

Simon said... 11

Your still life really looks like a still life-you done good with that. I like your on the floor/driveway shot with the shadow of the artist. Nice piggies too.

Rosie said... 12

Oh those toenails are ever so cute Dina.

Anonymous said... 13

Great shots, cute on the floor shot!

A'n'G Johnson said... 14

I love the second lines shot. so great to capture moments like that!

Gina Kleinworth said... 15

AWESOME toes my dear! Love that super feminine design. I love & live in my flip flops for many months out of the year. Now I am inspired to make my pedi even more pretty.

Carrie said... 16

Your toenails are so cute. I love the nail art.

Unknown said... 17

Loved the colors in you Still life and your toes are SO pretty!

Kim, USA said... 18

Awesome texture love it!

Little Barn

Unknown said... 19

Great shots! Love the fruit and the fresh shots! Also love your pedicure desigh!!

Anonymous said... 20

Wonderful photos. I love the first and last photos. Yay for tomatoes. Ours haven't started blooming yet.

Karen said... 21

Flip flops...YAY!!! Cute tomatoes.

Linda said... 22

Those tiny tomatoes are wonderful!!
And thanks for reminding me it is time for a pedicure!

Jama said... 23

Beautiful shots!

Kala said... 24

I love your toes - you've inspired me to get a pedicure!

Valeria said... 25

Love your entries. Self portrait is my favorite. Nicely done

Cedar said... 26

A bowl of fruit is definitely a classic still-life! Love the little, fuzzy tomatoes!

Marla said... 27

Wonderful shots. I love the first one. it is so pretty.

Marla @

Seizing My Day said... 28

I LOVE the lines photo!! Fabulous shot of kitty! ;)
I love flip flop season too! The sun made a short appearance in Washington .. but heavy rain is expected the next couple days... (sigh)... its ok... I will still wear my "flip flops"

Susan Anderson said... 29

Fun toenails!


Hootin Anni said... 30 that a 'tat' on your foot?!! Way cool. I have one on my ankle that I designed and had the tattoo artist do for me. I love tats.

Yard Elves

Do stop by and visit if you have a little time in your day. Happy Monday.

Serline said... 31

Hey, capturing your 10 piggies... does it really count as a self "portrait"?!? Great paint job, nonetheless ;-P

Anonymous said... 32

faboulous photos! (via Texture Twist)

Light Trigger

LisaShaw said... 33

Love those toes! :)

fiddlehead said... 34

How can I choose a favorite!? great shots.

forgetmenot said... 35

All great shots--quite the variety. I do like the little green tomatoes though. Mickie :)

Anonymous said... 36

I love your feet selfie!!
And those chalk photos are wonderful :) :)

Elena @SelfieMagic said... 37

Oh cute toe design! I love feet/toe photos, it's weird!

Anonymous said... 38

I love the selfie of your feet! I wished mine looked half as nice... pedicure time? haha.

Susan said... 39

Love the feet selfie! And am also inspired to get a little nail art. :)

The chalk photos of your kiddies are darling - so well done.
