

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

1.  #5
 Someone just celebrated his 5th birthday!
2.  Sharing
 We got cupcakes to share with his class.
3.  Word of the Day
Cats.  Molly and Max spend a lot of time under our kitchen table.

4.  Wiggle
This guy will not stand still these days.
5.  Cookies!
Serenity youNi Hao Yall


Nicolle said... 1

Love Luke's shirt, and those cupcakes! I need to plan cupcakes for Boyd's class as well. Oh, and I hear ya about never being still....those boys! :)

Aurora Smith said... 2

Ummmmmm. Thin mints!

tiarastantrums said... 3

wow - 5 already!! Time is just flying by!

Jeanne said... 4

Love your kitty shots! So sweet

Susan Anderson said... 5

He sure is a cute little wiggle worm.


Yolanda Ronaldo said... 6

I'm not sure which kitty is which, but the one on either side of the smaller photos in the collage looks so, so much like one of my old kittys. Wow, thanks so much for sharing these :)

Anonymous said... 7

He's a cutie! :)

Driftwood and Pumpkin said... 8

I can' seem to get my act together to participate in this, but is sure looks like fun! Love the Spongebob 5!

Driftwood and Pumpkin said... 9

I can' seem to get my act together to participate in this, but is sure looks like fun! Love the Spongebob 5!

Lara Anastasia said... 10

hehe, this is fun.

Seeing Each Day said... 11

Your cats always look so incredible relaxed and dignified ! Thanks, Renee.

Tamar SB said... 12

Perfect scav hunt for Luke this week! Hope he is loving being 5!

Sweepy said... 13

Happy Bday big guy!
At least your cookies are not showing. It is making me hungry!

DrillerAA said... 14

There were no Thin Mints in our house to photograph. They seem to be everyone's favorite cookie. Happy Hunting.

What Marty Sees said... 15

Another sweet view into your world :-)

Karen said... 16

What an awesome smile your birthday boy has!

Sarah said... 17

Your little guys is so, so cute! I love the Spongebob "5" shirt! Great set!

Ida said... 18

Great set.
Wiggle and 5 are both very cute, love that shirt and what a smile.

Word of the day - know I can't resist cute cat pictures!

Nicki said... 19

Happy Birthday to the boy. You are a brave soul to pull out the Thin Mints. If I did, I would be compelled to finish them off.

Kmcblackburn said... 20

Haha..I'm lovin' how many girl scout cookies I'm seeing on Scavenger Hunt today. Making me hungry!

Maude Lynn said... 21

That first shot is so precious!

Christine E-E said... 22

what a week... a five year old + cupcakes, some wiggles + cats & topped off by a taste of Girl Scout Thin Mints (my fave).

Anonymous said... 23

I'm so glad you came by to share on Weekly Top Shot #73!

Kim Cunningham said... 24

Luke is just the cutest! Love his SB shirt! Hope his big day was great! Our cat loves the dining room chairs, too! Love you one hanging off the chair!

TheMoonAndMe said... 25

LOVE your kitties! Your munchkin is pretty cute, too! :)