

Moose on the loose!

In Vermont, Luke bought himself this stylish moose hat.
He wore it everywhere...
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Tamar SB said... 1

Cutest moose on the loose for sure!

Suburban Girl said... 2

Cute, cute, cute... Rebecca

Snap said... 3

too cute! an adorable little moose. :)

tiarastantrums said... 4

he makes the perfect adorable little moose!

abrianna said... 5

He is very cute in that fun hat!

carol l mckenna said... 6

Great photo and such a handsome little man ~ xoxoxo

Happy Weekend coming to you,
artmusedog and carol

Kim said... 7

Seems like the perfect thing to do and he looks adorable!

Unknown said... 8

What a cutie! It's perfect for him. :)

amanda said... 9

So much cuteness.. :)
We love moose!
I might wear a hat like that everywhere too if I had one. Ha!

Anonymous said... 10

That is so cute. Lovely photo!

The Artful Diva said... 11

He's a good sport - love that hat!

Sarah Huizenga said... 12

Yes that is adorable.

Susan W said... 13

He looks so sweet in his hat.

chasing the sun said... 14

Cute :-)

Molly said... 15

That is soooo cute. I want one


Indah Nuria Savitri said... 16

so cute indeed..I want to have one too :)..