

No. 11

Sam recently celebrated another birthday...#11...
All he wanted was Xbox Live and to "go eat fondue".  And, since it's no fun to
photograph a gift card, here he is at The Melting Pot.
Supporting these fine linkies:
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Texture Twist
Texture Tuesday
Sweet Shot Tuesday
52 Weeks of Happiness
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  The Good.  The Random.  The Fun.


Tamar SB said... 1

Happy birthday, Sam!

Suburban Girl said... 2

Good choice!

Kmcblackburn said... 3

Happy birthday.

Kim said... 4

What a fun birthday! It's been years since we've been to The Melting Pot, like 16 I think! Happy Birthday S!

Unknown said... 5

LOL, he's already acting like a Guy!

Nicki said... 6

Seriously he just had a birthday (didn't he?!?) :)
Happy Birthday Sam and yeah for The Melting Pot, used to go to something similar at Tyson's Corner outside of DC.

Evelyn S. said... 7

"Eat fondue." How precious is that for an 11-year-old boy! I'm not sure my two grown sons have ever experienced fondue...but we live "in the sticks." :-)

Viv@Thoughts from the Desktop said... 8

Happy Birthday hope you had a great day...

Anonymous said... 9

So handsome and love that great smile. Kids are amazing. Happy Birthday to the new #11 year old. :)

Peabea, visiting from Texture Twist

Buckeroomama said... 10

Happy 11th to Sam! All the awesome boys are born in January, it seems. ;p

Sharon said... 11

Happy birthday to Sam! He is a handsome guy. And he looks so happy, too :)

EarlK said... 12

Wonderful. And, delicious. We used to have A Melting Pot in Omaha, but it closed. They were very good.

facile et beau - Gusta said... 13

Happy birthday. Fundue is wonderful and delicious.

Indah Nuria Savitri said... 14

happy belated birthday!..aaah, fave! as we lived in Geneve for 4 years, I miss those yummy Swiss cheese :)