

Wordless Wednesday

Do you see what I see?



More Than Words said... 1

Oh my gosh...he is just sooooo darling!!!! He has the sweetest little face!

Sara Elizabeth said... 2

Look at that smile. He is precious.

Hootin Anni said... 3

Awwwwwwwwwww, the magic of the season!!! Just look at that smile.

My Wednesday post is all WATER today...the Gulf Water that is. FOUND HERE

He & Me + 3 said... 4

I see one cute little guy.

Secret Mom Thoughts said... 5

Nice shot. I love how it is framed around that cute smiling face.

Liz Mays said... 6

What a darling!

LisaShaw said... 7

He is TOO cute!! What a face. That's a Christmas card greeting for sure!!! Thanks for sharing your sons with us all year. Your boys so bless my heart. I feel like I'm watching them grow up with you :) Looking forward to all the wonderful things the LORD has in store for them in 2010.

Mamí♥Picture said... 8

What a Precious picture!

BK said... 9

That smile and eyes will surely melt hearts.

Anonymous said... 10

Looks like a happy little elf! That is a great shot!!!

jennykate77 said... 11

AWE!!! So so sweet. What a cutie!!

Izzy, Emmy 'N Alexander said... 12

Aww, he's such a sweetie! His eyes are just glowing! Great capture.

Cascia Talbert said... 13

That is an adorable photo!

Dawn said... 14

LOL! That's a darling photo!

Momstart said... 15

That's a cutie

Nancy C said... 16

Melting away from cuteness...

Claudya Martinez said... 17

These last two picture posts are full of cuteness.

Nicolle said... 18

So cute! His smile is contagious! love it. :)