

LeapFrog LeapBand

Luke recently had the opportunity to try out the new LeapBand from LeapFrog...
 The LeapBand is essentially a fitness band/tracker for kids.
It offers kids eight different "pets" to train with, in a durable, water-resistant band.
The pets are unlocked as the child earns points through exercise/movement.
The rechargeable band comes preloaded with 10 fun activities, but there are 50
more that can easily be downloaded from LeapFrog.  The LeapBand can also
sync up with the LeapPad Ultra to unlock extras.
Luke loves taking care of his pet, while meeting fun fitness-based goals,
and I love seeing how devoted he is to his pet.  He's worked up a sweat many
times since receiving the LeapBand, and I think he'll continue to use it for a
while, tho I think the target age for this device is 5 years old.
(I also like that the band has button controls instead of a touchscreen.
Keeps it much cleaner than some of our other gadgets!)
***I received this item free-of-charge in exchange for an honest review.
The opinions expressed are my own and were not influenced in any manner.***


Kamana said... 1

your kids look adorable!

Susan Anderson said... 2

What a fun way to get kids interested in staying healthy. And such a great idea that by doing so they are "taking care of" their pets.

